
Proposed construction of a 1km long, 66 kv powerline through an off take and associated infrastructure from the existing Nampower substation, Erongo Region

Establishment of a powerline and introduction of a new metering station

AfriTin Mining Pty Ltd is a mining company with a portfolio of tin assets in Namibia and South Africa. The company was established in 2017. Uis Tin Mine currently has no constant power supply to the trial processing plant. Network strengthening, which involves the establishment of a powerline and introduction of a new metering station.

ECC’s Role

Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) is the appointed Environmental Practitioner for the project. ECC will conduct an environmental assessment in order to complete an Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) in accordance with the Environmental Management Act, 2007, on behalf of Gondwana Colleciton Namibia (Pty) Ltd for the proposed infrastructure.

Download Documents

ECC for Uis- Powerline.pdfDownload
ECC-84-201-EMP-A- ELA-20190515.pdfDownload

Project Details


AfriTin Uis Tin Mining


Approval Obtained


Infrastructure & Construction, Mining & Minerals



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