
The proposed Kokoseb Mine Project, Erongo Region, Namibia

Kokoseb Mine Project

Exclusive prospecting license (EPL 4818) is situated between Uis and Okomhahe, approximately 15km from Okombahe and 30km from Uis in the Erongo Region. It is envisaged that the mining operation at WIA Gold Project will be similar to that of B2Gold Otjikoto and QKR Navachab gold mines. Mining of the open pit will be conventional drill and blast, with ore and waste rock being shovelled and transported by a fleet of mobile equipment. Waste rock will be trucked to a waste rock dump, and the ore will be sent to the plant for crushing, cyanide leaching, carbon-in-pulp (CIP) processing, electrowinning and then smelting in an induction furnace to produce gold bars. The proposed mining activities are generally high-impact and intrusive

ECC’s Role

ECC has been contracted by Mandarin Investments (Pty) Ltd as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to facilitate the entire ESIA process. Prior to the start of the proposed projects, an environmental clearance certificate is required in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 7 of 2007 and the associated EIA Regulations. A final decision relating to the above-mentioned application will be made by Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT): Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)

Download Documents

Proposed Kokoseb Gold Mine Project – May 2024 Public Meeting Presentation.pdfDownload

Project Details


Mandarin Investments (Pty) Ltd


Open for Public Participation


Mining & Minerals



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