
The proposed construction and operation of the Jindal Iron Ore Mine, Khomas Region, Namibia

The Jindal Mine Project

The proposed Project is within the exclusive prospecting licenses (EPLs 4013 and 4194), where the resource is located and where a mining license (ML) will be applied for is situated 50km E of Windhoek, Khomas Region. The EPL is bordered by the C23 main road and is 9 km from the Hosea Kutako International Airport

The proposed Jindal Iron Ore Project involves establishing an iron ore mining operation, comprising several open pits to be excavated using conventional blasting and drilling techniques. Ore and waste rock will be excavated and hauled by a fleet of mobile equipment, with waste rock being transported to a waste rock dump site. The extracted ore will undergo crushing and pebble milling at the beneficiation plant, followed by magnetic separation and subsequent reverse flotation and concentrate filtration during the final processing stages. The resulting product, iron ore fines, will then be transported to Walvis Bay for shipment.

ECC’s Role

ECC has been contracted by Brake Trading (Pty) Ltd as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to facilitate the entire ESIA process. Prior to the start of the proposed projects, an environmental clearance certificate is required in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 7 of 2007 and the associated EIA Regulations. A final decision relating to the above-mentioned application will be made by Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT): Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)

Download Documents

ECC-148-464-REP-17-D EMP.pdf (PRELIMINARY EMP)Download
ECC-148-464-REP-04-D.pdf (DRAFT SCOPING REPORT)Download
Proposed Jindal Iron Ore Mine on EPLs 4013 and 4194 – 16 April 2024 Public Meeting Presentation.pdfDownload

Project Details


Brake Trading (Pty) Ltd


Open for Public Participation


Mining & Minerals



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