
Proposed exploration of base, rare and precious metals and industrial mineral activities on EPL 5445 and EPL 5670 in the Erongo and Kunene Regions.

Exploration activities on EPL 5445 and EPL 5670 for base and rare metals, industrial minerals and precious metals

The proposed project involves the exploration activities for base and rare metals, industrial minerals and precious metals on Exclusive Prospecting Licences (EPLs) 5445 and 5670 in the Erongo and Kunene regions, operated by Afritin Mining Namibia (Pty) Ltd.

The proposed exploration activities are generally low-impact and non-intrusive. The exploration activities may be ‘scaled up’ depending on exploration findings. The following are envisaged during the proposed project:

  • Airborne geophysical surveys (non-invasive);
  • Potential creation of access tracks, where existing tracks cannot be utilised;
  • Limited vegetation clearing for the creation of tracks, and survey access; and
  • Ground exploration activities may include mineral sampling, geological mapping, geophysical surveys, temporary trenching, drilling and drill-core sampling.


ECC’s Role

Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) has been engaged by the proponent Afritin Mining Namibia (Pty) Ltd to undertake the ESIA and  Environmental Management Plan (EMP) in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 2007 and its regulations. The environmental clearance applications will be submitted to the relevant competent authorities; the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT).

Download Documents

ECC-84-346-REP-09-D 5670 PLUS EMP.pdfDownload
ECC-84-346-REP-08-D PLUS EMP 5445.pdfDownload

Project Details


Afritin Mining Namibia (Pty) Ltd


Approval Obtained


Mining & Minerals



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