
The Proposed construction and operation of a base transceiver station (BTS) tower and associated infrastructure for Paratus Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd on Erf 886, Lüderitz, !Karas Region, Namibia

Telecommunication tower in Lüderitz,

The Proponent proposes to construct and operate a 30 m BTS tower (a lattice self-supporting steel structure), along with associated supporting infrastructure on Erf 886, Lüderitz. Paratus has secured the lease for a portion of land on Erf 886 from the Lüderitz Town Council for the Project. The BTS tower will improve and provide adequate transmission and reception of telecommunication service signals to the residents and business operators.

ECC’s Role

ECC has been appointed by Paratus Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd. as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to facilitate the entire ESIA process. Prior to the start of the proposed projects, an environmental clearance certificate is required in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 7 of 2007 and the associated EIA Regulations. A final decision relating to the above-mentioned application will be made by Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT): Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA).

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Paratus Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd


Open for Public Participation


Infrastructure & Construction



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