
The proposed Omitiomire Copper Mine on ML 197 in the Khomas Region, Namibia

Omitiomire Copper Mine

Craton Mining and Exploration (Pty) Ltd holds mining licence 197 (ML 197) over farm Omitiomire, located 140km northeast of Windhoek (by road) and approximately 39km south of Hochfeld, in the Khomas Region of Namibia.

The exploration which Craton has undertaken since 2007 has identified that the Omitiomire resource holds 137 million tonnes at 0.55% Copper (Cu). Most of the deposit is in the form of copper sulphides, containing high proportions of copper and low proportions of sulphur. The copper sulphides have been oxidised near the surface, and at depth next to major fractures and fault lines. The oxidised copper ores make up approximately 15% of the total deposit. Mining activities will focus on the near surface oxide resource which is estimated to be 427,000 tonnes at 0.93% Cu.

The proposed mine includes one opencast pit, an ore processing plant, heap leach pads, waste rock dumps, a tailings deposition facility, workshops, water management infrastructure, related support services and facilities, and an onsite accommodation facility. The mining operation is expected to produce an estimated amount of 6.8 Mt of ore with an approximate pit depth of 250m. There is also a proposed diversion of main road (M53), and the Black Nossob River to accommodate the pit dimensions.

ECC’s Role

ECC has been contracted by Craton Mining and Exploration (Pty) Ltd, as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EPA), to facilitate the whole ESIA process. Prior to the start of the proposed Project, an environmental clearance certificate has to be issued in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 7 of 2007 and the associated EIA Regulations. A final decision relating to the above-mentioned application will be made by Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT): Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA).

Download Documents

ECC-134-394-REP-33-D_Craton ESMP.pdfDownload
Appendix C2 – Addendum report.pdfDownload
Appendix C1 – Public consultation document.pdfDownload
Appendix P – Omitiomire Hydrogeology Report_Final.pdfDownload
Appendix O – Climate change report.pdfDownload
Appendix N – Blast and vibration specialist report.pdfDownload
Appendix M – Noise specialist report.pdfDownload
Appendix L 2 – Heritage Impact Assesment Report 2023.pdfDownload
Appendix L 1 – Heritage impact assessment report.pdfDownload
Appendix K – Traffic specialist report.pdfDownload
Appendix J – Biodiversity specialist report.pdfDownload
Appendix I – Water supply specialist report.pdfDownload
Appendix H – Geochemistry specialist report.pdfDownload
Appendix G – Geotechnical report earthwork and foundation.pdfDownload
Appendix F – Air Quality Specialist report.pdfDownload
Appendix E – Geotechnical report open pit design.pdfDownload
ECC-134-394-REP-32-A_Craton_Final ESIA.pdfDownload
Craton final scoping report.pdfDownload

Project Details


Craton Mining and Exploration (Pty) Ltd


Submitted to Government for Record of Decision


Mining & Minerals



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