Ecological Services

ECC has extensive experience and knowledge in conducting Flora and Fauna surveys and management for mining, pipeline and construction activities. ECC ecological personnel have experience in ecological surveys across most biogeographical regions of Namibia.

Ecological expertise at ECC includes:

  • Desktop flora and fauna assessments.
  • Targeted searches for Conservation Significant flora and fauna.
  • Fauna clearance (pipeline trenches) and relocation.
  • Liaison with and management of specialist ecological sub-consultants.
  • Compilation of survey results and recommendations for management.
  • Flora and fauna Environmental Impact Assessment.
  • Pre-construction surveys for service corridors per Environmental Impact Assessment documentation.
  • Rehabilitation planning and monitoring.
  • Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem (GDE) Assessments.
  • Development of flora and fauna Management Plans.
  • Undertaking Ecological Risk Assessments.