Industry-Leading Tenement Management Services for Namibian Miners
Managing your company’s Namibian tenements is no small task.
The list of licences, permits, environmental clearance certificates and renewals your company must apply for, receive and comply with — at each phase of your project’s life cycle — fills an entire chapter of the Environmental Principles for Mining in Namibia Best Practices Guide. We know because we wrote it!
Failure to comply with any tenement commitments or obligations could result in the loss of your mining licence, steep financial penalties, or in serious cases, lead to incarceration.
That’s why the environmental compliance consultant you partner with must provide exceptional tenement management services so adhering to Namibia’s nuanced environmental and mining legislation becomes simple and straightforward, rather than risk your company’s most critical mining assets — its tenements!

Read on to learn more about mining tenement management for Namibian clients and how Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) can ensure your mining project never misses a tenement obligation with our industry-leading service.
Namibia’s Mining Tenement, Licence and Permitting Framework
Namibia’s Minerals (Prospecting and Mining) Act of 1992 and Environmental Management Act of 2007 provide strict guidelines as to what Licences, Permits, Environmental Clearance Certificates, Approvals and Renewals are required during each phase of your mining project’s life cycle.

The extensive list of Licences and Permits required during each phase of your mining project is intimidating and involves submitting applications, reports and renewals at specified times to relevant ministries (e.g. Namibia’s Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry (MAWF), Ministry of Environment & Tourism (MET), and Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS)).
Mineral Exploration | • Non-Exclusive Prospecting License (NEPL) • Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) • Reconnaissance Licence (RL) • Mineral Deposit Retention Licence (MDRL) | • MME • MET • MAWF |
Projects and Construction | • Mining License (ML) | • MME • MET • MAWF |
Mining and Processing | • Mining License (ML) | • MME • MET • MAWF • MoHSS |
In addition to the Mining Licences shown above, depending on the type of activities your mining project undertakes, additional Permits are required before operations can begin:
Environmental Clearance Certificate (renewal every 3 years) | Environmental Management Act of 2007 | MET |
Application for permission to remove, sell or dispose of controlled minerals: • High-value mineral permit • Export permit | Minerals (Prospecting and Mining) Act of 1992 | MME |
Permit for borehole | 1. Water Act of 1956 2. Water Resources Management Act of 2013 | MAWF |
Permit to utilise a controlled water resource | 1. Water Act of 1956 2. Water Resources Management Act of 2013 | MAWF |
Tailings waste disposal permit | 1. Water Act of 1956 2. Water Resources Management Act of 2013 | MAWF |
Waste water discharge permit | 1. Permit is issued under the Water Act of 1956 2. Form of the Water Act No. 24 of 2004 is used | MAWF |
Domestic and industrial waste water and effluent disposal exemption permit | Water Act of 1956 | MAWF |
Mine de-watering permit | Water Act of 1956 | MAWF |
Forestry licence for harvesting | 1. Forest Act of 2001 2. Policy on Exploration and Mining in Protected Areas (2018) | MET |
Permit for destruction of heritage objects and artefacts | Heritage Act of 2004 | NHC |
Registration, authorisation and licencing of any radiation source or nuclear material | 1. Atomic Energy Radiation Protection Act of 2005 2. Radiation Protection and Waste Disposal regulations of 2011 | MoHSS |
Operation licence | 1. Atomic Energy Radiation Protection Act of 2005 2. Radiation Protection and Waste Disposal regulations of 2011 | MoHSS |
Waste disposal | 1. Atomic Energy Radiation Protection Act of 2005 2. Radiation Protection and Waste Disposal regulations of 2011 | MoHSS |
Continuous operations permit | Labour Act of 2007 | MLIREC |
Because the penalties for non-compliance are both severe and strictly enforced by Namibia’s relevant ministries, you should avoid handing the fate of your mining project over to either:
- An in-house tenement manager who is not experienced in Namibia’s mining and environmental statutory requirements, or
- A local compliance consultant who lacks modernised tools and systems to execute outstanding tenement management.
So what does a world class tenement management service for Namibian mining projects look like? Keep scrolling…
Exceptional Tenement Management in Namibia
Given that mining tenements are critical assets to your business, outstanding tenement management is vital to the ultimate success of your project.
So what does an exceptional mining tenement management service look like in Namibia?

One that:
- Supports your company in the application for and acquisition of your mining tenements.
- Manages your regulatory commitments and obligations to government institutions and relevant stakeholders.
- Swiftly updates your ongoing tenement renewal tasks whenever Namibian mining and environmental legislation is amended.
- Oversees and assists you on any required tenement related administrative tasks.
- Creates a register and records all communication with government entities and registered stakeholders.
- Prepares and submits applications for mining licences or permit renewals on your behalf.
- Prepares and submits any reports to government entities that are required to maintain your tenements.
Phew… that’s a lot of tasks and obligations to keep track of!
Is there a reliable service provider in Namibia that can help you manage your mining tenement and never miss a compliance action?
Meet the Only Modernised Tenement Management Service for Namibian Mining Clients
Here at ECC, we’ve successfully managed tenements for our mining clients for years and understand the challenges involved in making sure a tenement obligation never gets missed or goes unmet.
That’s why ECC has partnered with the developers of PX4 Software, the world’s most advanced tenement management software, to produce a tailor-made tenement management service for Namibian mining clients.
Not only is PX4 programmed to oversee and manage all of your Namibian mining tenements in a single convenient cloud-based dashboard, but it has been expertly customised to support ALL Namibian mining tenement schemes, using the correct Namibian jurisdiction terminology.
What’s more, as Namibia’s mining and environmental legislation gets amended in the future, ECC and PX4 will swiftly update our service to reflect those amendments.
With ECC’s PX4-powered tenement management service, we offer our mining clients the following cutting-edge benefits that competing compliance consultants just can’t. This includes:
- The tracking and monitoring of ALL of your company’s Mining Licences, Permits, and Environmental Clearance Certificates in one convenient and centralised dashboard.

- Automatically generating notices to remind you in advance of any upcoming tenement applications, renewals or obligations.
- The tracking and monitoring of any additional obligations or conditions required for your Mining Licences, Permits or Environmental Clearance Certificates.
- Automatically producing up-to-date, accurate and even customised reports for ALL upcoming compliance actions that your mining tenement requires.
- The tracking of ALL of your tenement deliverables so no tenement obligation goes missed or unmet.
- Real-time monitoring of your tenement expenditure so the differences between your commitments and actual spend can be managed. That’s critical as Namibia’s MME strictly enforces all licence expenditure commitments for licence renewals.
- Creating and maintaining an easily accessible and accurate database of registered stakeholders and their communications.
- Managing all agreement obligations (including Land Access, Commercial Agreements and Insurances) to ensure nothing is missed.

As you can see, ECC’s industry leading tenement management service – powered by PX4 Software – provides exceptional time, cost and operational downtime savings that your mining project just can’t afford to entrust elsewhere.
Who Will You Trust Your Tenement Management With?
It’s true that, no matter the mining project, Namibian tenement management always feels like a daunting barrage of never-ending tasks, commitments and obligations that must always be met – on time – at each and every step of your project’s mining cycle.
Failure to complete just one of those tasks or comply with a single obligation could cost your business crucial time, critical capital, or even the mining tenement itself!
However, you don’t have to experience the overwhelm alone. ECC is here to help you never miss a compliance action with our industry-leading tenement management service.
So are you ready to get started? Contact ECC today to make sure your tenement gets managed by the best in the business!